Example: Ekong wanted to win titles. So he went to Djurgården, was put on the bench was were close to watching the team beeing relegated. Good riddence.
Example: Kari Stephensson. Where is he now? No seriously, because I think his mother is getting worried..
Examples: Halsti, Levon, Durmaz etc etc... GAIS made them good. They were never seen again after leaving.
Pär will not be missed. He misses way too many chances, always falls down when recieving the ball under pressure and falls out of the games too often.
He was never a saviour, he was just a stand-in for the injured man that is now back.

2 kommentarer:
So why did he play all games (30) for gais this season if he only was a backup?
And if he wasnt a important player for Gais this season, you can´t compare him with important players that has left gais. They was succesful in gais and then failed in thiers new clubs. Pär was no good in gais, he was only a backup player (your words).
That´s why he only can get it better in Blåvitt. Better club, better trainers, better team, better fans, better facilities, better history, better future = better opportunities for succes. Now is up to him self to take care of this great chance.
By the way, you didnt whine when he blew öis last year and sign for gais. what comes around goes around.
Well because Björn was injured all but the last month or so of the season.
And I didn't write important players. I wrote players that were good in GAIS. Pär was good in GAIS. Not great, but he had some good games.
Not even going to comment about that whole better club rant as you were clearly drunk when you wrote that.
And I don't whine about ifk buying him. I dislike how Pär acted. But then again that's pretty much the norm nowadays with players so no big surprise.
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