lördag 30 augusti 2008

Call to arms....

After some leaders of the guild shinibana had enough they one day decided to start a pact, a pact of Alliance guilds that aimed on invading Horde cities and killing their faction leaders.

As i write this the guilds of Shinibana, CLOWN, Champions of the hall, Guild of fursu , Vlad Dracul and many others are in the pact and our ranks are growing every week as more and more guild join.

After two succesfull attacks against Orgrimar and Undercity and after some recruiting tehy decided to take on the City of the fairys(bloodelfs)
After massing at Lights hope chapel and after that moving on to the crossing that leads to Zul aman for summons we marched agains Silvermoon city.
Like a tide we swept through the streets of Silvermoon killing their guards and citizens, sparing no one.
The Guild of CLOWN, wich the writer belongs too, was the major guild in this battle, we had the tanks for both targets and alot of dps and healing and we managed very well.
Alas we were to few.
After a long battle when we managed to get the main target down to less than 40% horde reinforcements arrived mainly from the SWP rading guild OOM an dthey healed up the boss and killed our healers very quickly and later the gained more reinforcements that caused havok among our troops that finally found themself defeated, the battle continued a bit longer when we slowly fought our way out of the city again.
The next target of the pact is not revealed again, but know one thing Hefaistos and many other clowns will be there when the next attack takes off.

This was a quick introduction of the pact, hopefully more succesfull rewiev of attack will come later on.


No surrender // Instructum Abnormalis

söndag 24 augusti 2008

Payne to the Max

Had nothing better to do so I surfed some pages on random and came upon something great. Max Payne, the movie! If you know what I'm talking about then you're as happy as I am. If you don't, then why bother explain?

Just watch the damn trailer and tell me you love it.


onsdag 20 augusti 2008

Särna - The Video

Here it is, the long awaited blockbuster movie of the year: Särna - The Video!
(Rated R for strong language, animal cruelty and glorification of alcohol)


torsdag 7 augusti 2008

Särna - the story behind the legend

There have been a huge buzz regarding this trip online and across the world. I heard that even CIA had an uptake in chatter during this week. So I decided it was best to write the true story so that no false rumors get a foothold.

The stoy is this: Four guys (TSO, IA, WillyBoy and The Borg) took a car and drove 7-8 hours north into a forrest so vast and dark that southern germany's Black Forrest seems a mere small shabby scale model. We set up basecamp in an old closed railwaystation some four kilometers from the nearest pizza. Soon we found that this spot had already been claimed. By one million and one mosqiutos. And in hindsight I can say that they may have drawn first blood, and won the war I guess since we went away and they are still there, but we won the battles and the ground were littered with the fallen mini-kamikazies.

Mosquitos were not our intended prey though. We had come for the fish. Unfortunally they had been tipped off, and had gone underground. Well underwater rather, but just as hard to find. First try were a bust, with The Borg the only one to catch something. A small perch.

We wrote this off as bad luck but as days passed things didn't get much better. Some perches here and there and one or two really small trouts were a far cry from the onslaugt of 2-3 kg trouts we wanted and half expected. So the last day we went to a Put & Take lake where we felt we would be guaranteed fish. Did we get any? Right you get the picture.

Unfortunatly the region suffered under a record heat wave that pushed the fishes to the bottom, and daily (and monstrous) thunderstorms didn't exactly help... One evening the lightning hit the powerline just outside the house, blowing up four(!!) fuseboxes and leaving us in utter darkness until about three in the night when a repairman came and fixed it. Still, it was just one more reason to stay up drinking a few beer infront of the fire and telling outragous storys...

Still, we were one week in the woods, every day by a new river or lake, caught some fish still and made lots of fires, some bbq's and spent the evenings playing Skitgubbe. All in all a great week. And one to be repeated I'm sure. With better luck in fishing though!

Last of all a thanks to The Borg for driving all those miles there and back again. Salut!

/TSO, The Scabrous One

PS. There is a video under construction. Will post it when finished!

lördag 2 augusti 2008

Lack of updates.......

Well its summer and we all been busy drinking beer and travelling around, but now when were all back in th grey reality again we soon gonna start updating again.

/Instructum Abnormalis