As i write this the guilds of Shinibana, CLOWN, Champions of the hall, Guild of fursu , Vlad Dracul and many others are in the pact and our ranks are growing every week as more and more guild join.
After two succesfull attacks against Orgrimar and Undercity and after some recruiting tehy decided to take on the City of the fairys(bloodelfs)
After massing at Lights hope chapel and after that moving on to the crossing that leads to Zul aman for summons we marched agains Silvermoon city.

Like a tide we swept through the streets of Silvermoon killing their guards and citizens, sparing no one.
The Guild of CLOWN, wich the writer belongs too, was the major guild in this battle, we had the tanks for both targets and alot of dps and healing and we managed very well.
Alas we were to few.
After a long battle when we managed to get the main target down to less than 40% horde reinforcements arrived mainly from the SWP rading guild OOM an dthey healed up the boss and killed our healers very quickly and later the gained more reinforcements that caused havok among our troops that finally found themself defeated, the battle continued a bit longer when we slowly fought our way out of the city again.
The next target of the pact is not revealed again, but know one thing Hefaistos and many other clowns will be there when the next attack takes off.
This was a quick introduction of the pact, hopefully more succesfull rewiev of attack will come later on.
No surrender // Instructum Abnormalis
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