The swedish football season just hit the half time mark and now goes into the last half of the games. And this is the same when it comes to summer. So here comes a resumé as well as a look at things to come.
First, off course, is GAIS. We have played good football and Wandersson has been fenomenal. This is good. But we don't win games because we concede way too many goals. That sucks.
So from GAIS I demand a lot more from the last half of the season. Maybe Calum and Romarinho will give us the wins we desperatly need?

When it comes to general festivities I have held a low profile this summer. But still some great parties, not least the hat-party that you can see in the picture here. Apart from that me and IA have gotten a little tipsy at Rockbaren, some good nights as well!
More to come here as well I'm sure, but nothing is set in stone just yet. Probably a hippie party in august to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Woodstock.

When it comes to travels me, IA went to Rüdesheim am Rhein to check out wine country. With us we had "the finnish femme" to add some female beauty and rather sharp wit. Here beers were drunk, meat was devoured and Shitguy was played. A great trip that feels even better now with some distance to it. More trips will come, that much is certain already and will be dicussed further down.
So that was how it's been so far. Now for the future.

One of the major events will be the day when I finally get that licence. Lots of grown-up points there. About time, yes I know...

Then there is some loose plans to fish for mackerel further up on the west coast. Kalvö in september is the plan. Earlier if oppertunity presents itself. And fishing in general needs to be more frequent from now on!

Another idéa is to go to Malmö and it's summer festival. A visit down to Majk and then further down to Malmö is the idéa. This is in august if it works out. I know, Malmö... but I have it on good athority that it might be fun.
But the big trip will be Chicago and a visit to the Chicago Riot Fest, with Cock Sparrer headlining it all. If you know who Cock Sparrer is then enough said. But if you don't then you better hit YouTube and check it out. It's proper music. But it's not just music, we'll try to fit in some baseball, waterfalls and some rollercoasters as well. If you have any ideas about what to do there, let us know!
2 kommentarer:
you are going to chicago? you'll have a great time there, its a very cool city. i lived there for a while back in 2006 :)
- a
Att det går illa för Gais ibland har man blivit van vid, men som den motgångssupporter man är så är man hårdhudad å trött. läs detta MH,
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