It is, off course, the carribbean drink al-Qaida. And it's coming back! At this very moment it is sitting in my window, ripening... Every day takes it closer to being ready. Soon it will strike. At a party near you. There is no defence. There is no getting away. And considering the amount of chili in there it promises to be something very near it's original carribbean potency...
Due to it's strong...flavour...I have been forced by the department of health to attach the following lables. But pay them no mind, you know how over protective goverments are...

Can give long lasting or life threatening damages if inhaled, drunk or when in direct contact with skin.

Can cause wounds on skin and serious damage to throat and eyes.

Product is highly flammable and should be kept at safe distance to open flames or intense heat.
Sooo... bottoms up!
1 kommentar:
No no! Not Al-Quiada. Not again!!!
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