It is written out of pure bitterness. Or as IA would have said:
"I am not angry. I'm just sad and dissapointed..."
Pehrsson, GAIS manager, said this in an interview when he got the following question:
-Can you guarantee that you will coach GAIS next season?
-I have a contract for another two years and I am fully set on completing that contract
About a week later he takes the boat over to Denmark, without saying anything to the GAIS board, and negotiates a contract with another club. This after he handpicked all the players and spent all GAIS transfer money for the next season...
Now I understand that today beeing a manager is just a job like any other and like any of us a manager will move to a new club/company if the money is much better. I accept, if not like, that.
But when did it become O.K. to decive and lie and treat the fans and board like fools in order to further your own cause? When did a promise or a given word stop mean anything more than temporary wind?
Pehrsson is not the first, James Keene for one comes to mind..., nor will he be the last. But I will always hate the lying bastards and hope they forever fail miserably in everything they do.
In retrospect Wiltons acting when he left the club was positively a beacon of straightforwardness and honesty. Don't get me wrong, he's a cunt and will never be allowed inside the holy city (Göteborg) again. But still better than Keene and Pehrsson I'd say.
All hail amature football, that's all I have to say.