The other day I was concerned that my lack of dicipline would set me back in my quest for the two drivers liences that I am gunning for. This would prove to be a valid concern since I did indeed book a trip to Dublin just one day after the last entry. Cudos to Wonks who saw it coming btw.
In my defence I got very cheap seats on the plane and I have never been to Ireland so it was well past due. Guinness brewery here we come! Licences will not be set back too much I hope. It is still the plan that I will have that mc licence by this coming summer.

In other news, me Packe and Peder went off to Örebro the other day for the away game Örebro-GAIS. It was a miserable game in a miserable town, and we spent 10-11 hours on a bus getting there and back. I ventured to claim that that in itself takes dicipline to do, but the answer I got back was off course that it has nothing do to with dicipline and all to do with stupidity. But that was from someone living in Stockholm so what can you expect?
All in all it was a good day although a win would have made it sooo much better naturally.

In a last minute claim of dicipline I can at least report that I have in one day done the dishes, the laundry AND cleaned the flat. I felt very proud of the achievement.
"Not very manly, is it?" was the answer from Stockholm...