so join me in saying:
To Alcohol!
Or as Demian sings so well:
To the devil a toast!
/The Scabrous One
The other day WillyBoy and TSO went on a spontanious fishing expedition to the coast.
The Mission: to extend TSO's lead in the spieces section of this years competition.
Here you can se WillyBoy arriving at the site where we would be fishing. We had another location marked out initially but reports came in that made us relocate to just outside Hjuvik. It started slow but soon enough the action was on!
Here is TSO with the first catch of the day, a scaryass crab of some kind that is a disturbingly close match to the evil critters in Cloverfield. Naturally we ran like little girls before collecting the curage to get upclose and personal with it before eventually throwing it back into the abyss.
The sea-gods was happy with that sacrifice and rewarded TSO with this fine Ballan Wrasse. About one kilo is a good weight for one of theese. This was followed by another smaller Wrasse. WillyBoy also caught a fish belonging to the cod-family around this time but alas - no photo of this. You will have to take our word for it.
Here is a proper cod though, taken by yours truly. Small for sure... but a cod all the same. And with them on the brink here on the west coast every encounter is fun.
I don't even know what this is... Some sort of sculpin probably. That's the fun thing about fishing along the bottom of the coast, you never know what to expect.
All good things come to an end though, but this expedition had proven to be a success. The Scabrous One have now caught six spieces of fish. And a weird crab to be used as a tiebreaker.
The list so far: