måndag 31 mars 2008

Nu är det vååååååår!

Sitter här och känner hur våren nalkas. Den mörka vinter himlen ljusnar i takt till vårsolens härliga leende och näktergalens glada sång. Pikét polisen drog fram över vår vackra stad igår när stadens andra lag mötte bönderna. Swedbank på Wieselgrenplatsen har redan hunnit bli rånad 2 gånger denna månad,den senaste gången var i förmiddags.

Då kan man bara konstatera att det är vår, för vad är mer vårtecken än sol, fågelsång, pikét, rånare och Allsvensk premiär? Möjligen när fångarna rymmer från anstallterna, men det kommer!
3 poäng till Blåvitt ikväll och man får sova gott i natt. Var ett tag sedan jag gjorde det. I natt var nog den värsta natten på länge. Kunde inte somna heller. Allsvenskan är en skit liga, det spelas ingen vidare fotboll. Men ack vad den betyder mycket för många människor! Nu är det bara att hoppas att säsongen blir som den förra, så man slipper gå omkring och vara deprimerad 1 år framåt!


lördag 29 mars 2008

Winding up again

Well I feel abit alone on the blog since even IA has been abit lazy and I won't even talk about SD since he has been all but invisible lately. So an almost calm outing yesterday (spelled that wrong, didn't I?). Today was a rum-day in preparation for Guadeloupe. Many drinks have met their destiny this night. Also a beer and whiskey or two. So now the question is: go out or not? Please call in and vote.

The thing is that I probably want to go out, but do I really want to go to the dingo again? The eternal question. The result will probably be that I'll tag along and say that I'll take one beer and go home. And then I'll take ten beers and come home at four or five again. I have no character... No I will go home.

Tomorrow is the big game, the premiere. GAIS-Elfsborg. Ishizaki will cry, Svensson will be carried off and songs will be sung!

Bottoms up!

/The Scabrous One

måndag 24 mars 2008

The Hawaii-Dingo

It was time for a little get-together this past saturday. IA and TSO went, together with Jenny, to a mate from work to have a few beers. This was followed by a quick taxi ride down to the dancing dingo. This is where things get a bit fuzzy. The fun thing was that people kept coming in from all over the place. So the original five were joined by both Kalle, Packe, Peder, Sanna, Peter, Daniel (SD), Mia and probably some more since my memory felt it had quite enough and had already buggerd off to bed. It took common sense with it when it went, as it usually does.

I have a vague recollection of a bet regarding the upcoming derby... Also, as usual, Packe came bearing shots. Something that was appreciated by IA particularly, as he with a loud, firm and borderline manic voice made everyone make way for the GAIS-fan! Something else that was notable was that I never made it over to Rockbaren, for the first and hopefully last time.

Well that's what I can come up with regarding this little outing. Maybe IA or SD will fill in with their memory of the night?

In conclusion I note that now, by the end of march, winter has taken hold of sweden. King Bore snoozed a little too long but has now released the snow and cold air.
Typical, since the football season starts this sunday. All winter with degrees above zero and now it's snow and cold...

Well never mind, it's football and we'll all be there!

/The Scabrous One

onsdag 19 mars 2008

Under Jolly Roger

Avast landlubbers!

'Tis a fine shanty me ol' rum matey IA but together, aye?! The drink did flow 'n' no misstake. Ye all blaggards t'was elsewere did miss many a fine moment there.
Arrr, but 'tis true, some did be missed by us also, on account of me an' me hearties did be handsomely addled...

IA the old bilge-sucking dog did make me feel I need redo me ol' NYC shanty. The first be such a poxy it ought to earn me naught but a floggin.

This new be better, it be proper swag to make any sea dog proud!

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of Rum!

/Captain Scurvy

tisdag 18 mars 2008

The years that passed

short summary of the last couple of years, or more like pics from the last years.

Not much effort put in this just some random pics from the last couple of years, if someone feel left out feel free to complain i wont care.

/Instructum Abnormalis

fredag 14 mars 2008

The culture-section

Ok so it was a long time since our culture-section added anything to this blog. With that in mind I give you this shaky first go att creating a hdr-photo. The camera is shit and not made for this but will have to do for now. It's a picture of the bridge älvsborgsbron, from the church masthuggskyrkan. Enjoy! Or not.

onsdag 12 mars 2008


A trip to the heart of Russia, Moscow is almost already planned now.

söndag 2 mars 2008

Beer tonight

You have been warned!


PS SD is not taking part in tonights festivities.