måndag 9 juni 2008


Today is the day!
And we all know from the previous videos what to expect of the team. But what of us the fans? All who were at the game in berlin will remember this, and get goosebumps!
Everyone else will hopefully feel the atmosphere and find inspiraton there!

And if the greeks hope to have the wieght of history at their back (300 free greeks did after all hold of 200000 persians...) then they are severley misstaken as 11 vikings easily would have cut right through their defence. Much like they will later today.

Only today the names of the vikings will be Ibrahimovic, Bakirciuglü and what not. It's a brave new world, but one thing remains the same. All around the world people still pray silently as they once did in england:
"Save Us O' Lord From The Wrath Of The Norsemen!"


1 kommentar:

Legion sa...

IM so fucking nervous and excited at the sametime, i hate and love match days.

Krossa grekland krossa grekland.